2013 $50 Weekly Menu Plan Week #31

2013 $50 Weekly Menu Plan Week #31
2013 $50 Weekly Menu Plan Week #31


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2013 $50 Weekly Menu Plan Week #31: Like many men, my other half has been hankering for a good size chunk of meat, so to satiate his craving we’re serving Faux prime rib- a succulent roast that is perfectly seasoned with a blend of spices that can’t be beat for around $1.50 per person. Part of good grocery budgeting is learning how to properly cook less expensive cuts of meat to turn it into something it was never meant to be . . .
We bought a top round roast, almond milk, cream cheese, lettuce, celery, potatoes, fresh broccoli, 2 fresh limes, 2 fresh lemons, an orange, strawberries for a grand total of $28.41
Items harvested from the garden include: about 10lbs of tomatoes, a 3 gallon pail of cucumbers, 3 large zucchini, 2 summer squash, okra, jalapeno peppers, handful of green peppers, carrots and radishes and 2 watermelons-FINALLY!!

Breakfast Options for this week:

MondayJuly 29th:

Tuesday July 30th:

Wednesday July 31st

Thursday August 1st:

  • Lunch:Leftover Key West Chicken over veggie salad
  • Dinner:Sesame Chicken Stir-Fry with Jasmine Rice

Friday August 2nd:

  • Lunch: Cucumber Salad, Egg salad sandwiches
  • Dinner:Faux Prime Rib, Baked Potatoes, Salad

Saturday August 3rd:Throwing a Party!

Sunday August 4:

  • Lunch:Leftover Prime Rib sandwiches with Au Jus
  • Dinner:Hibachi Night- Stir fry zucchini, onions, Chinese Fried Rice, Chicken

Various Snacks:

Drinks Available:* Iced Tea (Unsweetened or Sweet Tea)
* Coffee
* Hot Chocolate/Cocoa
* Iced Coffee Drinks
* Almond Milk
* Lemonade

Less Likely to be used, but still available:
* Copycat Gatorade
* CopyCat Arizona Green Tea

We raise a few chickens, ok, to be completely honest about 3 dozen now! And get anywhere from 2-3 dozen eggs per day. We frequently have deviled eggs, deviled egg dip & veggies, various forms of egg salad (18 different ways) and hard boiled eggs. They make great snacks and are an excellent source of clean protein, particularly for our weight lifting sons.

For Further reading/help we recommend the following:

  • August Sales Trends-not sure what Should be on sale right now? Here is a list of the current Sales trends throughout the month of August, so you know what savings to expect and look forward to.

  • $50 Weekly Menu Plan Help across the USADo you find yourself struggling to reduce your grocery bill each month? Check out our Menu plan help across the USA to see if your area has been featured for more 1-on-1 help, if not, feel free to add your request to have your city/state featured.

  • Making Fruits & Veggies Last: At the beginning of each week we prepare the vegetables and fruits to make meal preparation easier during the week and to save money by preventing waste. You can read more about that here.

  • $50 Dollar Menu Frequently Asked Questions– There are certain questions that seem to pop up again and again, so rather than be redundant and repeat answers, we’ve put them all in one convenient place for you!

    • Basic Questions Why we don’t provide a shopping list, Random ingredients that aren’t in the shopping list, are groceries cheaper , etc
    • More Questions– more in depth questions regarding dietary guidelines, dealing with picky eaters, junk food and more


About GB101 720 Articles
Filled with an insatiable wanderlust to see the world, I've dedicated most of my life to saving money where I can so I can afford to see and do the things I want. I dug our family out of debt by reducing our grocery expense to less than $300 a month. You can too!

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