2018 Weekly Menu plan: January 1st-7th


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2018 $50 Budget Menu Plan Week 1: Happy New Year! As the temperatures dip across the country our focus this week is on hearty, warming meals that don’t take much time to prepare.
A new store recently opened in our area called Lidl. It’s quite similar to Aldi and offers a wide selection of organic produce, meats and antibiotic free meats, cheeses and other dairy products. The prices are quite reasonable, unfortunately, the store is about an hour away, so unless we already have plans to visit our son, we wouldn’t be making a special trip.

Part of the way we save so much on groceries is that we take the time to peruse the weekly ads of two to three of our favorite stores before we bother heading out to grocery shop. For example, cabbage is 29¢ a pound this week and 93% lean Black Angus (USA raised) ground beef is only $3.79 a pound.


So, we take into consideration what type of tasty meals we could throw together in a short period of time using those inexpensive ingredients. Cabbage is loaded with nutrients and is even known for healing stomach ulcers and preventing colon cancer. Not too shabby for twenty-nine cents a pound!


This week we purchased the following: Avocados, raspberries, mango, 5lbs chicken drumsticks, ground beef, Salad Greens, celery, carrots, red onions, potatoes, blueberries, kiwi fruit, pomegranate, cabbage, tortilla chips, cabbage, flour tortillas, peppers, couple cans of tuna and whole milk.


We normally don’t purchase milk, but it was literally $1.08 per gallon for whole milk at Lidl’s and it freezes well.


Total spent this week on groceries: 52.21

From our Backyard: Fresh Eggs

From our Windowsill/ Garden: a few fresh herbs in the windowsill– cilantro, basil, parsley and rosemary

Breakfast Options for this week:

Monday January 1st: Southerners are often known for celebrating the new year with a symbolic meal known as Hoppin’ John and while I’ve been here over a decade now, I still haven’t developed a taste for collards, black eyed peas or “butter beans” known to most of us Yankees as nasty ol’ lima beans.

So this year, we thought we’d try something a little different, for greens, we’re using split peas and leftover ham (that we froze) from Christmas dinner.

Tuesday January 2nd: The weather is pretty harsh, the winds are blowing and this dish is wonderfully warming and filling.

Wednesday January 3rd: Tonight we’ll bake a couple extra potatoes to use in tomorrow nights dinner.

Thursday January 4th:

Friday January 5th:

Saturday January 6th:

Sunday January 7th:

  • Lunch: Leftovers from previous days or fend for yourself day (aka, whatever the hell you can find, it’s not my problem, lol).
  • Dinner: Cabbage Veggie Stew (use a cup or so of diced leftover venison roast), Biscuits with cinnamon honey butter (Sorry- for this one I don’t follow a recipe, I throw it all together in my instant pot.)

Various Snacks & Desserts: We had leftover pears and strawberries from last weeks menu plan, so we opted to make this delectable fruit salsa recipe to snack on. It’s also fantastic over oatmeal too.

Drinks Available:

Less Likely to be used, but still available:

FYI: If you’re wondering why all the ingredients listed in the recipes aren’t necessarily showing in the “purchased groceries” list, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions!


About GB101 720 Articles
Filled with an insatiable wanderlust to see the world, I've dedicated most of my life to saving money where I can so I can afford to see and do the things I want. I dug our family out of debt by reducing our grocery expense to less than $300 a month. You can too!

1 Comment

  1. thank you so much for doing menu plans again, they make such a huge difference for our family. we like reading how you find and figure out sales, i’ve gotten so much better!

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