Recipes Meals under $2.50 Brazillian Beans and Rice with over easy egg

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  • #8802

    Rice and bean Brazilian Style
    Salt to taste
    Pepper to taste
    Onion Salt to taste
    Garlic powder to taste
    1 T Worcestershire sauce
    ½ lb Bacon
    Chili powder to taste
    2 cans Pinto beans
    Put all contents into crock pot minus the Bacon. Cook on low for 2 hours once bacon is cooked (bake in Oven with tinfoil at 350 for 15 min) cut up the bacon into small chunks and pour bacon grease into crock pot. Once beans are nice and soft take a potatoe masher and 1/4 of the mixture from the crock pot and mash it up. Return everything to the crock pot for another hour.
    Serve hot over rice with over easy egg on top for each person.

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