Welcome Wagon Tech Support I’m new here

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by 14e77f16ae8867bb1cbe06d6d407c3ce?s=14&d=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.grocerybudget101.com%2Fimages%2Fuser4 GB101 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #8778

    How can I pin recipes and stuff onto pinterest? Why don’t you have a ‘pin it’ button?

    How do I save interesting things that I read into like a “favorites” file, so I can come back and find it on this site when I want to. And don’t tell me to save it to facebook, because I don’t like to post all my outside fb items on there.


    @moni419 61808 wrote:

    How can I pin recipes and stuff onto pinterest? Why don’t you have a ‘pin it’ button?

    Actually We do have a “Pin It Button”-


    If you click on the “P” it will pin the article to Pinterest for you

    If you click on the F: it will go to facebook

    If you click on the Birdie- it will tweet to Twitter

    If you click on the envelope- you can share it with a friend via email

    If you click on the Printer- you can pick and choose which parts of the Article you want to print (with no ads) With or Without Photos

    If you click on the G+ – it will Plus 1 it to Google

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