Grocery Shopping 101 Menu Plans Menu Plan: Maintaining the Budget

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  • #9113

    Well, I thought I’d better start paying closer attention to the running tally on our grocery budget, so here’s the breakdown so far this year:

    We are still within our planned budget though, as we allow for $250 per month (roughly $50 per week). We allow for $250 a Month which totals to $3,000 per year. We break it down into $50 per week because this helps keep the amount manageable and allows for purchases for TP, Paper Towels and supplies to make laundry detergent & natural cleaners.

    Week 1: $54.62
    Week 2: 181.62
    Week 3: $47.61
    Week 4: $54.98
    week 5: $43.74
    week 6: $0.00
    week 7: $53.62
    week 8: $44.14
    week 9: $40.31
    week 10: $48.67
    week 11: $44.78
    week 12: $64.88
    week 13: $11.02
    week 14: $0
    week 15: 49.18
    week 16: 54.70
    week 17: $44.19
    week 18: $32.
    week 19: $45.36
    week 20: $0
    week 21: $52.56

    Total budgeted for the first 21 weeks = $1050.
    Total Actually Spent so far this year = $967.68

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