Welcome Wagon Meet the Members New Member from Louisiana

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    I’m a new member from rural Louisiana. My community has one grocery store and a Super Walmart, so my local shopping options are very limited.

    Until March of 2012, I’ve worked outside the home. However, I left my job in March to address some health issues. The loss of outside income has made it necessary for me to begin living more frugally. It has been quite an adjustment to my family (my husband and 3 kids – 2 still living at home).

    I face a couple some medical challenges that I’d like to see addressed on the boards: I am diabetic with high blood pressure. My menus need to take that into consideration. I’m sure that there are others who also have health concerns and perhaps there are some posts that address this already.

    I’d also like to know if anyone uses or can recommend a good recipe manager program (Windows computer, not tablet). I have used Recipe Afficianado, which is free, but I like something that would allow me to import recipes from the internet, if that exists.



    Welcome to the site! I wish I could offer a recipe management program, but for us what we do is print out the recipes we like, then slide them into a plastic sleeve & put them in a 3 ring binder. On the bottom right hand corner we jot down who loves/hates the recipe. It’s just a tiny note that helps when I’m trying to decide what to add to the menu later in the week.

    I can flip through and see- oh ya, my youngest son doesn’t care for fish, etc. When you’re busy trying to remember everything else, you don’t have to remember who likes what.

    It’s great to have you here!

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