Strawberry Stuffed French Toast

Strawberry Stuffed French Toast
Strawberry Stuffed French Toast


4 (80%) 32 votes

A fruity twist on an old classic, Strawberry stuffed french toast is a blend of fresh strawberries in cream cheese with just the right blend of vanilla and almond in thick french toast slices. This hearty casserole style dish will easily feed 6-8 people and is wonderful reheated.

You’ll Need
1 loaf french bread
3/4 cup chopped slivered almonds
1 pkg cream cheese (8oz)
1 c. sliced strawberries
3 T. Powdered Confectioners Sugar
8 eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
1 tsp almond extract
2 tsp vanilla

Cut bread into thick slices approx. 1 1/2 inches thick, each. Make a pocket in each slice by cutting slices in half horizontally leaving a bit uncut (So it won’t fall apart when you fill it).

In a bowl beat cream cheese, sliced strawberries, and powdered confectioners sugar until smooth. Add almonds until just mixed in. Spread the cream cheese mixture into bread pocket, applying the filling liberally.


In large bowl, beat together eggs, milk, almond extract and vanilla. Pour half of egg mixture into a 15 x 10-inch (38 x 25 cm) baking dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Place bread slices in pan, Pour the remaining egg mixture over the bread slices. Cover tightly with saran wrap and place in fridge overnight (or at least 8 hours)

Bake in preheated 375oven for 15 minutes; turn over each slice and bake 10 minutes longer or until golden
brown. Alternatively, you can invert the entire pan onto a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. (This is much easier than flipping each french toast piece).

Just prior to serving sift powdered confectioners sugar over the top French toast and serve with butter and maple syrup.

Chef Notes:French toast is best prepared with bread that is at least a day old. Fresher bread tends to be more absorbent, loses its shape easily and will produce a gooey textured finished product.


GroceryBudget101 Price Breakdown:

1 pkg cream cheese $1.47 (store brand)
1 c. sliced strawberries .25 (2 qts for .99- Aldi’s)
1 loaf day old bread (1.00)
8 eggs .64 (based on 1 doz for .99 – however, ours were free- we have chickens)
milk .30
vanilla & almond extract .09
confectioners sugar .06
almonds .44
Total Cost of Recipe: $4.25for 6 ppl or .70 per person

This can be made considerably cheaper if you happen to find deals on eggs, strawberries and bread. The almonds can be omitted or you could use walnuts or pecans in their place, depending on what is less expensive in your area.

Also, if you don’t have access to fresh strawberries due to the time of the year, you could use 1/3 c. strawberry jam in their place.


About GB101 720 Articles
Filled with an insatiable wanderlust to see the world, I've dedicated most of my life to saving money where I can so I can afford to see and do the things I want. I dug our family out of debt by reducing our grocery expense to less than $300 a month. You can too!

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