2014 $50 Budget Menu Plan Week #30: We hear that we’re in for a “Cold Spell” which means, (in the South) that the temps will dip down into the low 90’s. How does that affect the grocery budget you ask?…
Well, it means that my crew might actually Eat lunch this week. Generally speaking, when it’s hot, no one is interested in eating lunch, so they eat a hearty breakfast and then grab a piece of fruit or a couple granola bars, etc during the day for snacking on. More often than not, they don’t even eat that.
This week we purchased the following: Quinoa, Avocados, Portabella Mushrooms, Steaks, Kool-Aid Packets (for making homemade gatorade!), sugar, Olive oil, 10 packages frozen veggies, mangoes, cantaloupe, lettuce, celery, bananas, onion buns, canned pineapple, yogurt, heavy whipping cream
From our Backyard: Fresh Eggs (down to about 12-15 a day)
From our Windowsill/ Garden: Fresh Herbs(Cilantro, Parsley, Rosemary, dill, oregano, basil, mint), onions(grown from scraps), green peppers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, watermelon
Total spent this week on groceries $68.12 Yes, I realize we went “over budget” this week, that’s what happens when you buy Beef & Cream, lol.
Now, before you read the menu and say wait a minute, they didn’t buy any “whatever” this week,
we urge you to read ALL of the Helpful articles at the Bottom of the menu that explains our Menu plans and HOW they work!
Breakfast Options for this week: (Fresh Fruit Choices, Watermelon, bananas, blueberries, Peaches, Cantaloupe)
- Fried Eggs & Hashbrowns
- Jam Breakfast Bars
- Cold Hard Boiled Eggs
- Bacon & Egg Tortilla
- Fresh Peaches or Bananas or Cantaloupe
- Harvest Peach Refrigerator Oatmeal
- Blueberry Maple Oatmeal
- Poached eggs on toast
Lunch Options for this week:
- Leftovers, if desired.
- Egg saladsandwiches or wraps
- Cucumber wraps
- Bananas (the kids are more likely to eat these for lunch during the hot days when they’re working than anything else).
- Tomato & Cheese Po’ Boys
- PB & J
- Watermelon Salad– another favorite during hot weather spells
- Fresh Peaches
Monday July 21st:
- Dinner: Simple Rotisserie Chicken, Salad, Garlic Smashed Potatoes
Tuesday July 22nd:
- Dinner: Santa Fe Chili Casserole
Wednesday July 23rd: This is a Premeditated leftover- planned leftovers from Mondays dinner.
- Dinner: Country Herb Chicken-n-Dumplings
Thursday July 24th:
- Dinner: Quinoa Enchilada Casserole (recipe coming shortly!)
Friday July 25th:
- Dinner: Caribbean Grilled Steak,Cheddar Chipotle Fries, Salad
Saturday July 26th: Gone Crabbing for the day! Entertainment & Food, all in one. For some reason I always plan a veggie with fresh crab and then NO ONE touches it, so I’m not bothering. While we realize that not everyone has access to fresh crabmeat, the point of our menu is to remind you to use what you have available to YOU Locally!
- Dinner: Steamed Blue Crabs in drawn butter, Pasta Salad
Sunday July 27th:
- Lunch: Farfalle Medley
- Dinner:Toasted Crabmeat Sandwiches, garden salad
Various Snacks & Desserts:
- Fresh Fruit Choices Available– Peaches, Bananas, Blackberries, Blueberries, Watermelon, Tomatoes
- Homemade Granola Bars
- Magic Middles Cookies
- Rhubarb Ginger Fool
Drinks Available: * Iced Tea (Unsweetened or Sweet Tea)
* Coffee
* Hot Chocolate/Cocoa
Less Likely to be used, but still available:
* Copycat Gatorade
* CopyCat Arizona Green Tea
* Lemonade
* Iced Coffee Drinks
* Almond Milk
FYI: Wraps mentioned are tortillas that we make ahead of time. Various flavors include sun-dried tomato, spinach wraps, bacon tortillas(usually used for scrambled egg burritos!), etc.
For Further reading/help we recommend the following:
- $50 Dollar Menu Frequently Asked Questions– There are certain questions that seem to pop up again and again, so rather than be redundant and repeat answers, we’ve put them all in one convenient place for you!
- Basic Questions–Why we don’t provide a shopping list, Random ingredients that aren’t in the shopping list, are groceries cheaper , etc
- More Questions– more in depth questions regarding dietary guidelines, dealing with picky eaters, junk food and more
- It Doesn’t Add up– Learn why some items in the Menu plan aren’t listed in this weeks grocery purchase list & how it all comes together
- July Sales Trends-not sure what Should be on sale right now? Here is a list of the current Sales trends throughout the month of July so you know what savings to expect and look forward to.
- The 2012 Family Guide to Groceries under $250 a Month– a guide of how and where to cut grocery expenses to get spending under control while providing an eye-opening view of the dirty manipulation tactics retailers use to keep you spending.
- $50 Weekly Menu Plan Help across the USA–Do you find yourself struggling to reduce your grocery bill each month? Check out our Menu plan help across the USA to see if your area has been featured for more 1-on-1 help, if not, feel free to add your request to have your city/state featured.
- Making Fruits & Veggies Last: At the beginning of each week we prepare the vegetables and fruits to make meal preparation easier during the week and to save money by preventing waste. You can read more about that here.
- How Spending $25 Now can save you Hundreds Later – if you gain nothing else from this site, don’t overlook this tip. It has been an EXTREME money-saver for our family
Canstock Photo/ csp2127136
Awesome, I’m using this weeks meal plan as have most everything on hand after I had already shopped before joining. I’m excited…..:twirl: